A change in Greenville Water’s rates will take effect in January 2025 and be reflected in your February 2025 bill. Click here for more detailed information.

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Financial Assistance

Are you struggling to pay your water bill? Greenville Water has partnered with several agencies to assist customers who are experiencing financial hardship. Available programs and additional details are available through the partner links below.

United Housing Connections Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Available to renters and landlords for emergency rental and utilities assistance. Priority is given to applicants with income at or below 50 percent of the area median, an individual who has been unemployed for the 90 days prior to the application for assistance, or an active eviction status.

Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources (SHARE) SC Stay Plus Program

The SC Stay Plus program is a rental and utility assistance program, funded by the U.S. Department of Treasury, that launched in May 2021 to assist those who are experiencing financial hardships and housing challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

South Carolina Homeowner Rescue Program

The SC Homeowner Rescue Program (SC HRP) is a federally funded program established to provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners experiencing pandemic-related financial hardship that began before January 21, 2020 and continued after that date.

COVID-19 Housing, Rental Assistance, and Utilities

The Greenville County Human Relations Commission’s mission is to improve the quality of life in the County of Greenville by promoting positive community relations and equal opportunity.

The Salvation Army Rent, Utilities, & General Assistance

The Salvation Army of Greenville helps families and individuals in need to pay rent and utility bills, purchase clothing, and put food on the table. Both COVID and general assistance are available.

United Ministries Crisis Assistance

Financial assistance is provided to individuals and families with a demonstrated need due to a crisis. Assistance is also given to participants in their education and employment programs to help maintain their employment status.

United Way SC 2-1-1

SC 2-1-1 serves as a safety net for all individuals needing help finding assistance, by helping improve the effectiveness and coordination of health and human services across the state.