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  Mar 01, 2022

Hillandale Tank Project Wins 2020-2021 Pinnacle Award

The Greenville Water Hillandale Project is a 1.25-million-gallon above ground storage tank built on the slope of Paris Mountain to assist its established sister tank to better meet the needs of the growing Greenville area. Daily challenges on this project were abundant to say the least.

For starters, the only access to the small steep site was down a single-lane gravel drive which required tree pruning to bring equipment to the site. Much of the equipment was dropped off at a nearby intersection and then walked down to the site to avoid tree canopy damage. For safety and ease, crews had to maximize their work hours when it wasn’t raining just so they could better access the steep worksite.

Speaking of rain, Rainfall runoff was a major concern given the steepness of the slopes and the proximity of residential housing. The small working footprint only allowed for a 2,990-sf detention pond to capture site runoff and decrease its velocity before discharged. Therefore, the crew had to monitor the detention pond continuously during rainfalls to ensure silt from the slope did not reach the detention pond and decrease capacity. Blasting, which was performed in a way to minimize shock waves that could have impacted nearby structures and residences, was carried out without a single complaint from nearby neighbors.

While this project offered daily challenges given the danger associated with blasting activities, massive rocks handled on steep slopes, intricacies of soil nailing and shotcrete installation, heights of tank install, tensions of stressing cables and depths of vault installations, the 20,000 project hours resulted in ZERO first aid, lost time, or recordable incidences.

AECOM was named as a Pinnacle Partner on this project. Congratulations to Langston Construction!