A change in Greenville Water’s rates will take effect in January 2025 and be reflected in your February 2025 bill. Click here for more detailed information.

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FOIA Policy

Please note: S.C. Law provides that it is a crime to knowingly obtain or use personal information from a public body for commercial solicitation.

Pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), the Commissioner of Public Works for the City of Greenville (“Greenville Water”) will provide copies of public records in its custody unless the records are exempt from disclosure under S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-40 (Freedom of Information Act).

Please direct all FOIA requests to:

Greenville Water

ATTN: Chief Administrative Officer

407 W. Broad Street

Greenville, SC 29601

Upon receipt of a written request for records under FOIA, Greenville Water will determine if the records are available. Greenville Water will notify the requestor of this determination in writing within ten (10) business days for records less than two (2) years old, or within twenty (20) business days for records more than two (2) years old. Business days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays.

Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-30(B), fulfillment of FOIA requests is subject to fees for search and retrieval, as well as fees for providing copies of documents.

Response Time and Fees

If search and retrieval time is greater than thirty (30) minutes and/or the number of pages to be produced is greater than ten (10) pages, a DEPOSIT (25% of reasonably anticipated cost for reproduction of the records) IS REQUIRED prior to searching for and/or copying records pursuant to a FOIA request. The balance must be paid at time of production.

If Greenville Water determines that the requested records are available and are not exempt from disclosure under FOIA, the records will be furnished within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the deposit is received. If the records are more than two years old, the records will be furnished within thirty-five (35) calendar days of the date the deposit is received.

If the search/retrieval time is less than half an hour and/or the total number of documents responsive to the FOIA request is ten (10) pages or less, no reproduction fee will be charged.

If no deposit is required and Greenville Water determines that the requested records are available and are not exempt from disclosure under FOIA, Greenville Water will furnish the records within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of its Determination Letter. Requested records which are greater than two (2) years old will be furnished within thirty-five (35) calendar days of the date of the Determination Letter.

Fee Schedule



Search/Retrieval Time

There is no retrieval charge for records retrieved and copied within ½ hour or less.

Please note that if the requested records are not in an electronic format, and our office agrees to transfer the documents to an electronic format, then there will be a charge for the staff time required to transfer the documents to an electronic format.



There is no charge for copies of records if the total number of pages responsive to the FOIA Request is 10 pages or less.

If an electronic version of a record is available, and the requestor elects to receive the record electronically, then there will be no charge for copies.

Unit Price

Black-and-white paper records/standard reports (8.5 x 11)


Color paper records/standard reports (8.5 x 11)


Standard maps/plots (up to 11 x 17 black and white)


Standard maps/plots (up to 11 x 17 color)


Standard maps/plots (larger than 11 x 17)


Microfiche/microfilm copies


