Greenville Water has operated safely and efficiently during this event and continues to provide high quality drinking water with no interruptions.

Please feel confident to use water as you normally would and expect the same quality and service you’re used to.

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60-Inch Parallel Main

Adkins 60” Potable Water Transmission Main – Phase I

Building Strong Communities through Commitment

Greenville Water is committed to sustainable community revitalization efforts and supports infrastructure improvements to promote public health, improve the environment and attract development in neighborhoods that have experienced economic challenges.

Project Details

Start Date: January 2024 

Completion Date: July 25, 2025

Construction activities will generally take place between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend work is not planned at this time but may be necessary to expedite the project.

Project Area

Phase I Parallel Line Map